11 Truth Tracts For Our Muslim Friends

# Who is a True Prophet?
# Is there a Prediction of Muhammad in the Taurat?
# Is there a Prediction of Muhammad in the Injil?
# Are there predictions of Muhammad in the Old Testament?
# Tawhid: The Oneness of God-in-Three
# How does God reveal Himself?
# "Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen?"
# Was the Injil changed at Nicea?
# Jesus, Son of Mary - His Virgin Birth
# What did Adam do wrong?
# The Great Sacrifice

The Great Sacrifice

What did Adam do wrong?

Jesus, Son of Mary - His Virgin Birth

Was the Injil Changed at Nicea?

"Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen?"

How does God reveal Himself?

Tawhid: The Oneness of God in Three

Are There Predictions of Muhammad in the Old Testament?

Is there a prediction of Muhammad in the Injil?

Is there a Prediction of Muhammad in the Taurat?

Who is a True Prophet?